【Special Lecture】Ambo H., A patient and public involvement (PPI) strategy for meaningful and flexible involvement in community mental health settings,The 5th Eastern European Conference of Mental Health, ONLINE, Romania,Oct 2021
[ 2020 ]
【Special Lecture】Ambo H., Remote psychosocial support for healthcare workers during the covid-19 outbreak in Japan,The 4th Eastern European Conference of Mental Health, ONLINE, Romania,Sep 2020
[ 2019 ]
【Keynote Lecture】Ambo H.:Dall'assistenza sanitaria alla salute: prevenzione del ritiro e sostegno in Giappone, Forum sulla salute mentale, Bologna, Italy, Oct 2019
【Keynote Lecture】Ambo H.:One step closer to suicide -Hikikomori phenomena and its global importance,The 3rd Eastern European Conference of Mental Health, Sibiu, Romania,Sep 2019
[ 2018 ]
【Keynote Lecture】Ambo H.:Attuali servizi della salute mentale, dellassistenza medica e il segno per il cambiamento, Modellli di assistenza per la salute mentale Ilalia e Giappone a confront, Bologna, Italy, May 2018
【Special Lecture】Ambo H.:Peer support Promotion in Mental Health Services in Japan,The 2nd Eastern European Conference of Mental Health, Sibiu, Romania,Sep 2018
【Special Lecture】Ambo H.:Community Mental Health in Japan- Focus on Suicide Prevention,,The 2nd Eastern European Conference of Mental Health, Sibiu, Romania,Sep 2018